According to Read and Publish agreements between the University of Szeged and publishers, authors can apply for support in publishing in Open Access and hybrid journals included in these agreements. We have gathered publisher-specific information to help our authors navigate the supported journals and the agreements made with the publishers.
Important! These are for informational purposes only. Additional conditions may apply for support according to the University’s Open Access support policy, which can be found HERE.
Akadémiai Kiadó
Eligible journals: Open Access and hybrid journals included in the agreement. The list of journals can be downloaded HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
American Chemical Society
Eligible journals: Open Access and hybrid journals with a minimum Q3 ranking.
Information on the publisher’s website
Eligible journals: Hybrid journals included in the Premiere Collection as well as Gold Open Access journals with a minimum Q3 ranking. Journals of the Premiere Collection can be found HERE, Gold Open Access journals can be found HERE.
Cambridge University Press
Eligible journals: Open Access and hybrid journals included in the agreement with a minimum Q3 ranking. The journal search can be accessed HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
De Gruyter
Eligible journals: Hybrid journals included in the agreement with a minimum Q3 ranking. The list of journals can be downloaded HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
Eligible journals: Open Access and hybrid journals included in the agreement with a minimum Q3 ranking. The journal search can be accessed HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Eligible journals: Open Access and hybrid journals included in the agreement with a minimum Q3 ranking. The list of journals can be downloaded HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
Institute of Physics (IOP)
Eligible journals: Open Access and hybrid journals included in the agreement with a minimum Q3 ranking. The list of journals can be downloaded HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Eligible journals: Hybrid journals with a minimum Q3 ranking. The list of journals can be downloaded HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
Oxford University Press
Eligible journals: Hybrid journals included in the agreement with a minimum Q3 ranking. The list of journals can be downloaded HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
Royal Society of Chemistry
Eligible journals: Open Access and hybrid journals with a minimum Q3 ranking.
Information on the publisher’s website
Eligible journals: Hybrid journals included in the agreement with a minimum Q3 ranking. The list of journals can be downloaded HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
Springer Nature
Eligible journals: Open Access and hybrid journals included in the agreement with a minimum Q3 ranking. The list of Open Access journals can be downloaded HERE, and the list of hybrid journals can be downloaded HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
Taylor & Francis
Eligible journals: Hybrid journals with a minimum Q3 ranking. The journal finder can be accessed HERE.
Information on the publisher’s website
Wiley and Hindawi
Eligible journals: Open Access journals published by Wiley and Hindawi, as well as Wiley’s hybrid journals. The journal must have a minimum Q3 ranking. The list of Open Access journals can be downloaded HERE, and the list of hybrid journals can be downloaded HERE. The journal search can be accessed HERE.