The University of Szeged supports Open Access publishing but Open Access Publication Charge support is not automatically granted for the authors of the University.
The authors should know the following:
- The Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and Innovation decides on the grant.
- Please, request institutional support before submitting your article to the publisher.
The APC support can be requested under the following terms and conditions:
I. Fully Open Access journals
- MDPI and Frontiers journals must be ranked Q1 in Scimago Journal Rank
- every other journal must be ranked Q1 – Q2 in Scimago Journal Rank
- the corresponding author of the publication must be affiliated with the University of Szeged
- at least half of the co-authors must be affiliated with the University of Szeged. For doctoral students, the university can only provide Open Access support for articles where the supervisor is also a co-author.
- the authors’ publications published since 2014 should be included in the MTMT database with an external publication identifier(s) and institutional affiliation
- the accepted manuscript and/or published version of the authors’ every full scientific publication published since 2014 must be uploaded to the SZTE Repository of Publications by setting the appropriate institutional archiving permissions according to the publisher’s copyright transfer agreement. The checking process covers the following subtypes of publications in the MTMT:
- journal article (article, review article, note, short or rapid communication),
- book (as an author of an academic textbook or a monograph),
- book section (book chapter, study).
- When submitting the article, please, enter “University of Szeged Open Access Fund” in the FundRef field, and the ID number of the request in the Grant number field.
II. Support can also be applied for those hybrid and Open Access journals whose publishers have signed a Read and Publish type contract with the University of Szeged.
- Contracted publishers: Akadémiai Kiadó, American Chemical Society, BMJ, Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter, Elsevier, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Institute of Physics (IOP), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Oxford University Press, Royal Society of Chemistry, SpringerNature and Wiley Blackwell.
- the corresponding author of the publication must be affiliated with the University of Szeged
- at least 30% of the co-authors must be affiliated with the University of Szeged. For doctoral students, the university can only provide Open Access support for articles where the supervisor is also a co-author.
- the journal must be ranked at least Q3 in Scimago Journal Rank
- the requirements for uploading publications to the MTMT and the SZTE Repository of Publications are the same as in section I, point 5-6.
- the aforementioned rules also apply to the fully Open Access journals of the following publishers: az Akadémiai Kiadó, American Chemical Society, Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter, Elsevier, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Institute of Physics (IOP), Karger, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, SpringerNature and Wiley Blackwell.
- When submitting the article please enter “University of Szeged Open Access Fund” in the FundRef field, and the ID number of the request in the Grant number field.
The Open Access support does not cover any publication costs other than the Article Processing Charge (APC), such as colour images, extra print copies, submission fee, page charge, etc.
Requests for support can be submitted here (after registration). Important: You can only register with an official email address of the University of Szeged.
If authors of the University of Szeged meet the requirements, the request will be assessed within 5 workdays of which and they will be notified via e-mail. USZ Klebelsberg Library stores and manages your personal data for the purpose of the service, in accordance with the data protection regulations.
Your questions are welcomed at the email address.