We are very pleased to announce that we have access new medical e-books (compulsory reading) from Thieme in German via the subscription of Dean’s Office of Faculty of Medicine.
The most important new books:
- Prometheus LernAtlas der Anatomie, Allgemeine Anatomie und Bewegungssystem, 5. kiad. 1. köt., 2018
- Prometheus LernAtlas der Anatomie, Kopf, Hals und Neuroanatomie, 5. kiad. 2. köt., 2018
- Prometheus LernAtlas der Anatomie, Innere Organe, 5. kiad. 3. köt., 2018
- Duale Reihe Anatomie, 5. kiad. 2020
- Silbernagl Physiologie, 9. kiad. 2019
The Thieme eRef German Collections now contains 41 e-books including earlier editions of some titles.
E-books are available through our catalog (searching title ‘Thieme eRef German Collections’ you can find all books) and Summon Discovery.
We would like to recommend the Thime Medone Education which contains 150 e-books and also includes titles published in 2020.
These sources are accessible within the Szeged University IP range and from home with the help of the proxy server.
If you have any problems, please send a message to e-help.