Opening hours


Regular opening hours for the academic year

Monday – Friday Saturday Sunday
Loan Section 8am – 10pm 9am – 8pm CLOSED
Reading areas
Computer labs: 1st and 3rd floor
Oriental Collection, Collection of Old Books and Manuscripts, Music Collection 8am – 4pm CLOSED

Please note: On the first Monday of most months during the academic year – due to necessary maintenance works in the computer labs and in the open access reading areas – the Library opens at 12 o’clock. In case of e.g. the beginning of the academic year, exam periods, summer schedule first Mondays opening hours may change. Before visiting, please check always the Library home page (News or Opening hours pages) or the Facebook page of the Library where current information will be available.

Documents of the special collections located in the reading rooms (European Documentation Center, Hungary Collection, Military Collection, Hispanic Collection, Austria Library) are available during the opening hours of the reading rooms.

The material of the Special Collection in History of Minorities and Regions, which is located in the 1st floor reading room, is available in the opening hours of the reading room but documents from the stack rooms can only be used by special arrangement.

The Collection of Old Books and Manuscripts is open only to the researchers of the collection. Group tours in the collection are available by prior arrangement.

Overnight loan

For students, faculty, researchers and staff of the University: through the overnight loan service books with red labels „Rövid” can be borrowed from the reading rooms 2 hours before closing. Such books are requested to be returned by the next opening of the Library.

Information related to the daily closing of the Klebelsberg Library

Please note that in the last 15 minutes preceding the actual closing time security will permit entering only in exceptional cases.

Please also note that the closing time means the closing of the onsite services. If you plan to check out books it is advisable to calculate with a possible queuing up therefore it is recommended to visit the Loan Section with the documents 20-30 minutes before closing.