Interlibrary loan for registered users

The aim of interlibrary loan is to make documents that are not in Szeged available for users of the Library. This service is available for all those registered users of the Library who comply with the rules below.

Interlibrary requests for articles/copies or books can be submitted through an ONLINE FORM.

Before submitting your request, please check whether the document is available in Szeged or not. Please, check

All available data of the requested work should be given because, in this way, identifying will be much easier.  If the work is within Hungary, after identifying its location, the request is sent to the proper location. If there is no Hungarian location for the work, and if the user requires, the request will be sent abroad.

In case of requests from Hungary:

  • Waiting time: 1-4 weeks
  • Fees:
    • book: 1000 HUF/volume flat rate (packaging and postage)
    • copy of article/book part (electronic): according to the service library’s tariff (quotation available on request)

In case of requests from abroad:

  • Waiting time:
    • book: may be 1-3 months
    • copy of article/study: 2-6 weeks
  • Fees:
    • book: 4500 HUF/volume (in some cases the sending library may set a higher fee)
    • copy of article/book part (electronic or photocopy): roughly 3500 HUF/article (+ postage)

Method of paying:

Cash: after appointment, in person in the Loan Section.
Internal transfer: university department/fund type number

  • When the document arrived, the user will be notified.
  • After payment received, photocopies can be taken away.

Cancelling the request:

  • Requests already sent abroad cannot be cancelled!!!
  • Requests sent from Hungarian libraries can be cancelled free of charge until they are not fulfilled by the sending library.
    PLEASE NOTE! Fees should be payed if the sending library has posted the book or the copy even if the user does not require it any more or has not indicated his/her intention for cancellation.

Further information:

  • In case of old or rare publications it may happen that libraries do not lend them but offer photocopies.
  • Periodicals do not circulate within interlibrary loan therefore only copies of articles can be requested.
  • Books for local use in libraries and reference collections do not circulate.
  • Manuscripts, dissertations, graduation papers are not sent by Hungarian libraries and copies are not available either.
  • Fulfilling an interlibrary loan request can be denied by libraries.
  • The Library will request a document from abroad only in the case when it is not available in the country. Works published within a year compared to the date of submitting the request cannot be asked for from abroad.
  • Books received via interlibrary loan, after users settled the bill, can only be used in the Library.
  • Due dates are determined by the sending libraries. The due date is generally 2-3 weeks, but it may happen that the book will be available only for some days.
  • With the exception of books received from abroad, loans can be renewed before the due date. Confirmation of renewal and period of renewal depend on the sending library.
  • An additional service to fulfilling interlibrary loan requests is requesting location information for users. It is free of charge and serves to identify Hungarian locations of works.
  • Electronic copies of documents (complying with the copyright law in force: Law LXXVI of 1999) can only be used on designated computers of the Library with the restrictions ruled by the law (modifying, transferring and copying are not allowed).


Phone: 62/546-626
Fax: 62/546-665
Address: 6720 Szeged, Ady tér 10.
Mailing address: 6701 Szeged Pf. 393.


Ágota Matuska (copies of articles/studies)
Zoltán Lass (books)

Submit interlibrary loan request