The repositories of the University Library are for storing and indexing full-text documents (even as pictures, motion pictures and audio files) created during educational and research works, and the digital outputs of the library’s digitisation program.
Contenta is a bunch of different scoped intstitutional repositories. Contenta is a key implement of carrying through the library’s content related tasks described in the law: it makes the central or individual uploading, (professional) indexing, providing and safe, long-term archiving of several different objects possible, including research and educational publications, documents, pre- and postprints, dissertations, theses/degree works, etc.
The Contenta serves as an important platform for achieving the University Library’s official role as a content holder for the output of the academic materials of the University of Szeged.
Please support our work by uploading your publications, using the repositories and giving us your feedback. If you need any technical or content related help, you can contact us via this e-mail: contenta@bibl.u-szeged.hu
Information on the use of out-of-commerce works available at the SZTE Klebelsberg Library
The common search engine for the repositories is available on the Contentas page and in the search bar below.
The database of the university’s degree work collection. Reading the full-text documents – taking the copyright and plagiarism laws into account – is only allowed at the university’s or at the library’s computers designated for this purpose.
This repository collects the defended PhD thesises from the doctoral schools of the University of Szeged and its predecessors.
This repository contains the Papers and Books printed by any Departments of the University of Szeged.
This is the institutional repository of the University of Szeged which contains the work of staff and researchers. Authors can upload their published work in PDF format, after it was recorded in MTMT (Hungarian Scientific Bibliographic Database).
The SZTE Repository of Educational Resources contains electronic learning materials created by professors of the University of Szeged. The mission of the repository is to be a central supporting system of long-term preserving, cataloguing/elaborating and providing the electronic learning materials.
The database of the university’s historical publications (yearbooks, schedules, academic prints/newspapers, student newspapers).
The Gallery and Media Library is the central digital storage and exhibition space of the SZTE Klebelsberg Library’s image and other media materials. In the gallery you will find portraits, photos of university history and photo albums of Kálmán Shvoy.
This repository has the most wide selection profile. It’s a compilation of the not directly university related periodicals, books, chapters and articles, that are available online. The collection is remarkably diverse in topic and genre.
The database contains newspaper pages from 1910-2010 of the local daily newspaper, Délmagyarország in their digitised and full-text form.
The full-text, digitised, searchable archive contains works from Tiszatáj, which is a belletristic newspaper that is continuesly published since 1947.
The searchable database of the university senate’s documents. It is available from the intranet of the University only.