We would like to inform our users that the ProQuest One Academic database collection is now available by subscription, making four large databases, around six million documents, searchable together:
- ProQuest Central database contains 12,000 full-text journals from publishers around the world, and is divided into 65 separately searchable thematic databases,
- ProQuest Academic Complete database contains 250,000 full-text e-books,
- ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global database contains 5.5 million full-text dissertations and theses,
- Academic Video Online database contains 72,000 selected academic videos in all subject areas.
All ProQuest e-resources can be found in Summon Discovery.
The new e-books can be used through academic IP addresses and from home with the help of the proxy server or EduID.
If you have any problems, please send a message to e-help.
Date: January 15, 2024