The interlibrary loan service will be suspended from 20th of December, 2024 the 1st of January, 2025. Requests arrived in this period will be processed after the 2nd of January.
Thank you for your understanding!
Documents which can not be found in a library’s own holdings can be acquired through the interlibrary loan service as a loan of original documents or copies. The conditions for the use of these documents are determined by the providing library.
Interlibrary loan service for the patrons of the SZTE Klebelsberg Library
We do our utmost to make the requested documents, which are not available in Szeged, accessible for our patrons. The service can be used with a valid library membership by filling out an online application form.
Further information: Interlibrary loan for registered users
Submit your loan request here
Interlibrary loan for libraries
We also provide documents from our own holdings to other libraries, primarily through the National Document Supply System (ODR).
Further information: Interlibrary loan for libraries