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Springer e-book collections 2024
We would like to inform our users that the Springer 2024 thematic e-book collections have been completed, adding about 9000 recent books to our collection.
ContinueWebinar Series: How to maximize your search with CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform
We are excited to invite you to our exclusive webinar series, where we will share expert tips and tricks to help you maximize the power of the world-renowned CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform.
ContinueOxford University Press trial
We would like to inform our users that Oxford University Press book content is available on a trial until 31 May 2025.
ContinueScite Tables
We would like to inform our readers that a new feature has been added to the Scite Assistant: Tables. Now you can instantly extract and analyze data from scientific articles. What used to take days of manual searching and note-taking now happens in seconds.